We understand your security challenges and that building and managing a security program that can keep up with the growth of your digital assets as well as the threat actors is extremely challenging. We are here to partner with you in your journey to protect your business from the ever evolving threats. Rapid7, with over 2 decades of experience delivering innovative security products and services is well suited to address your needs and support your priorities. And can help you evolve your security program no matter where you are in its evolution.

The Rapid7 Insight portfolio provides a holistic set of industry leading, complementary security capabilities and services that when taken together help you assess your posture and better prepare for threats, but also detect, investigate, and respond to them more efficiently and effectively.

With Rapid7’s industry leading solutions you can provide comprehensive security for your organization. Rapid7 enables you to manage your vulnerabilities, protect applications, secure cloud infrastructure and containers, analyze and act with SIEM and extended detection and response, incorporate internal and external threat intelligence to enrich your understanding of security threats, and augment your security program with managed and consulting services.

InsightVM provides a fully available, scalable, and efficient way to collect vulnerability data, turn it into answers, and minimize risk. InsightVM leverages the latest analytics and endpoint technology to discover vulnerabilities in a real-time view, pinpoint their location, prioritize them for the business, facilitate collaboration with other teams, and confirm that exposure has been reduced.

Rapid7‘s application security is the only offering on the market that provides complete coverage for both pre-production and production applications. We also provide a robust web application and API protection solution. Together these are a powerful combination providing security for both pre production and production applications. The goal: detect earlier with DAST, provide real-time monitoring and visibility for production apps, and reduce risk by remediating vulnerabilities and setting compensation controls. How does this work?

InsightIDRRapid7’s natively cloud, SaaS XDR product – empowers security teams to find and eliminate threats faster. That’s the mission: find threats early, and get rid of them as quickly as possible. How do we do that?

Well first, you can’t find threats if your team can’t get even get the product stood up — and unfortunately shelfware is a huge problem for too many products in our space. At the foundation of InsightIDR is our next-generation cloud-SIEM. This SIEM core is critical in powering the cloud data lake, log collection, and compute necessary for teams to keep up with their modern environments.

  • Well first, you can’t find threats if your team can’t get even get the product stood up — and unfortunately shelfware is a huge problem for too many products in our space. At the foundation of InsightIDR is our next-generation cloud-SIEM. This SIEM core is critical in powering the cloud data lake, log collection, and compute necessary for teams to keep up with their modern environments.


  • Next, the true focus of InsightIDR is around native, early threat detection. The key differentiation here is distilling down our unique blend of threat intelligence that helps us provide an actionable, relevant library of comprehensive detections out of the box. Leveraging threat intelligence from. 
    • Rapid7’s open source projects like Metasploit, Heisenberg, Sonar.
    • contextualized external attack surface knowledge – strengthened by our recent IntSights acquisition, and 
    •  knowledge of real modern environments from our Insight Platform customers.